Monday 6 May 2013

Natural Reflections

by Chloe Y

On Saturday morning I took a walk through a bush reserve near my home. I take this walk 3 or 4 times a week. There are 2 benches half way up the walk, which runs up the side of a small mountain alongside the river. In order to give myself time to reflect, and just for something different, I sat down on one of those benches for quite some time, absorbing the nature around me.

At first, it seemed a little bit strange, and quite lonely. But after a while I was able to focus in on certain features in the landscape and calmly observe nature. I heard animals calling to each other, maybe calling to their friends, or maybe telling other animals to back off out of their homes. I heard animals scrapping through twigs and fallen branches in the undergrowth, perhaps building themselves a new home.

I saw nature getting along and co-operating. Fallen trees making pathways for birds and animals, ladders to help them find food. I saw new growth revitalising tired old trees and shrubs. I also watched as nature conflicted with itself. Birds scratching at the bush floor, disturbing insects in their private homes. The river dragging impatiently against the debris of logs and branches caught up in its current.

Most importantly, I saw nature living. Surviving. Animals, trees, water - just doing what they needed to to survive. And I think that survivng and getting on with it is something we could learn from nature. Appreciate the simple things, remember why it's all here - for us to enjoy.

That's what I learned on my date with nature.

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